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Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Writer: Sydney SpenceSydney Spence

Creating bylaws for a nonprofit organization is a critical task, as these rules establish the structure and governance of the organization.

Below is a template for nonprofit bylaws. This template should be customized to fit the specific needs and requirements of your organization.


Section 1: Name

The name of the organization shall be [Nonprofit Name].

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of [Nonprofit Name] is to [insert mission/purpose of the organization].


Section 1: Eligibility for Membership

Membership is open to any individual who supports the purpose and mission of the organization and meets the criteria set forth by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: Voting Rights

Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members.

Section 3: Termination of Membership

Membership may be terminated by voluntary withdrawal or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 1: Annual Meeting

An annual meeting of the members shall be held at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2: Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the President, the Board of Directors, or upon the written request of [number/percentage] of the members.

Section 3: Notice of Meetings

Notice of each meeting shall be given to each voting member not less than [number] days before the meeting.

Section 4: Quorum

The members present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1: General Powers

The affairs of the organization shall be managed by its Board of Directors.

Section 2: Number, Tenure, and Qualifications

The number of Directors shall be [number]. Directors shall serve [length of term] terms. Directors must be members of the organization.

Section 3: Election of Directors

Directors shall be elected by the members at the annual meeting. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.

Section 4: Regular Meetings

The Board of Directors shall meet regularly, at times and places determined by the Board.

Section 5: Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Board may be called by or at the request of the President or any two Directors.

Section 6: Notice

Notice of any special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given at least [number] days in advance.

Section 7: Quorum

A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.

Section 8: Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors.


Section 1: Officers

The officers of the organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2: Election and Term of Office

The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. Each officer shall hold office for [length of term] or until a successor is elected.

Section 3: Removal

Any officer elected or appointed may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of the organization would be served.

Section 4: Vacancies

A vacancy in any office may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 5: Duties

  • President: The President shall be the principal executive officer and shall supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the organization.

  • Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall perform the duties of the President in their absence.

  • Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and see that all notices are duly given.

  • Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds and financial records.


Section 1: Committees of Directors

The Board of Directors may create committees as needed, such as fundraising, public relations, data collection, etc. The Board President appoints all committee chairs.

Section 2: Executive Committee

The four officers serve as the members of the Executive Committee. Except for the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have all of the powers and authority of the Board of Directors in the intervals between meetings of the Board.


Section 1: Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended when necessary by two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Secretary to be sent out with regular Board announcements.


Section 1: Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


These bylaws were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds majority vote on [date].

______________________________________[President's Name], President

______________________________________[Secretary's Name], Secretary

This template provides a structured outline for nonprofit bylaws. Customize it according to your organization’s specific needs, ensuring it complies with local and federal regulations. Consulting with a legal professional is advisable to ensure all aspects are properly addressed.


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© 2006 by Sydney Spence

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